Citizen Scientists Uncover Hidden Secrets of the Solar System: “Active Asteroids” Project Reveals Dozens of Rare Celestial Bodies

March 18, 2024 | Colin Orion Chandler

In a groundbreaking collaboration between scientists and the global community, the “Active Asteroids” Citizen Science project has unveiled a trove of discoveries, shedding light on a poorly understood population of objectspreviously unknown “active minor planets” in our solar system. Launched on August 31, 2021, through a NASA Partner program hosted on the Zooniverse online platform, […]

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2023 Buchalter Cosmology First Prize awarded to Dr. Kyle Boone and Dr. Matthew McQuinn

February 6, 2024 | DiRAC News

The $10,000 First Prize was awarded to Dr. Kyle Boone and Dr. Matthew McQuinn of the University of Washington, for their work entitled “Solar System-scale interferometry on fast radio bursts could measure cosmic distances with sub-percent precision”, published in The Astrophysical Journal Letters and recognized by the judging panel for “proposing a new method for measuring […]

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DiRAC’s Annual Report 2023

December 15, 2023 | Nikolina Horvat

The report covers DiRAC’s current impact, highlights in science and personnel, in-depth articles, a review on past and upcoming events, as well as recognizing and celebrating our community’s efforts. Explore the remarkable accomplishments at DiRAC throughout 2023.

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Annual Appeal 2023

December 15, 2023 | Mario Juric

Make a Gift Today! Your gifts to DiRAC will enable our students and researchers to continue bringing these discoveries to the world in 2024. Join and support us on that journey, help us train the next generation of leaders in astronomy, and help make UW the center of the (scientific) Universe!

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