Brigitta Sipőcz


Research Scientist


Brigitta Sipőcz is an astronomer by training, and occasionally still observes the night sky, but she currently spends most of her time writing and maintaining software. She works on the development and extension of astroML and collaborates with other DiRAC researchers on methodologies and applications of time series data and topics related to data intensive astrophysics.Brigitta is one of the key core maintainers of Astropy, including the core library and several other major packages in the wider ecosystem of affiliated and infrastructure packages. She enjoys solving DevOps and integration challenges that affect widely used libraries. She has a keen interest in the sustainability of software and the role of research software engineers in academia. She treasures her time at DiRAC as the best opportunity to deepen knowledge about a wide variety of topics, from cutting edge astronomical algorithms, through probabilistic programming, to cloud engineering.